SEO Blog

The Importance of SEO

Hacked Site Content

Hacked content is any kind of content found on your site placed without your permission. Such a placement of content usually happens due to security flaws in your site and can affect its search engine ranking.

Understanding Hacked Content

Due to the maligning nature of hacked content, Google does not list it on the search results as it affects integrity and usually gives a warning to users accessing such a site. Hence it is recommended that you keep your site clean by keeping it secure by applting the latest patched or updates to your CMS and periodically checking of you pages.

Hacked content can be further explained through the below given categories:

Injected content

Once a hacker has access to your website, it becomes possible for him to manipulate with its content. Injected content is adding any form of malicious content to the existing pages which is usually done by adding Javascript.

Added content

If your site is not secure and is vulnerable to hacking, a hacker can add new spam pages and content to it. Such pages intend to manipulate your search engine results and one of the after effects is a sharp dip in your online traffic. Added pages can also harm the computer of the users by unauthorized access and can go unnoticed easily.  

Hidden content

This form of content cannot be seen by you and your users but search engines can find it on your site. Hence this malicious manipulation can be extremely disastrous and is mainly done by adding hidden links or texts through HTML/CSS or through advanced methods like Cloaking.

Your site is vulnerable to any kind of hacked content if it is not secure. A professional website company can fill up those security voids for you as prevention and is definitely the best way to get around to avoid such attempts.


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